Bahá’í's of Largo

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Baha'i Resources
Below is a listing of articles, compilations, and books that you may draw upon for inspiration. Please use these materials, create your own learning environment, and be a part of leading the proclamation of faith with a new understanding of what communities can be!
We invite you to explore on your own. One of the key Teachings of the Baha'i Faith is the independent investigation of truth. So the next step is yours. Go to our contact page to get information or to talk to someone here in Largo. And explore the links below to help you on your journey.
Main Baha'i sites:
Sites by Baha'is:
Baha'i inspired organizations: (Business ethics) (Women's rights) (Health and medical assistance) (Environment) (Charities)
Media: (Radio Baha'i, South Carolina USA)
Baha'i Basics (12 short videos):
From the Baha’i Writings:
“The Faith of the Blessed Beauty (Baha’u’llah) is summoning mankind to safety and love, to amity and peace; it hath raised up its tabernacle on the heights of the earth, and directeth its call to all nations. Wherefore, O ye who are God’s lovers, know ye the value of this precious Faith, obey its teachings, walk in this road that is drawn straight, and show ye this way to the people. Lift up your voices and sing out the song of the Kingdom. Spread far and wide the precepts and counsels of the loving Lord, so that this world will change into another world, and this darksome earth will be flooded with light, and the dead body of mankind will arise and live; so that every soul will ask for immortality, through the holy breaths of God.”
From the Baha’i teachings on how we are to live our lives:
“Let each one of God’s loved ones centre his attention on this: to be the Lord’s mercy to man; to be the Lord’s grace. Let him do some good to every person whose path he crosseth, and be of some benefit to him. Let him improve the character of each and all, and reorient the minds of men. In this way, the light of divine guidance will shine forth, and the blessings of God will cradle all mankind: for love is light, no matter in what abode it dwelleth; and hate is darkness, no matter where it may make its nest.”

Pioneering in the Nine Year Plan
Anyone interested in exploring service as a pioneer, whether on the home front or abroad, is warmly invited to complete, as a first step, an online form, accessible here. Upon receipt of that information, you will be contacted as soon as is feasible to discuss opportunities that may be open to you.
You are also warmly welcomed to attend an online pioneer informational meeting held over Zoom. The date of the next such meeting is Tuesday, December 5, 7:00—9:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. Please use this form to confirm your attendance.
Please find below guidance related to pioneering on the home front or internationally during the Nine Year Plan. A library of guidance from the Universal House of Justice, in chronological order, is available on this page.
September 8, 2022 - National Spiritual Assembly Message for the Feast of ‘Izzat ‘22
June 23, 2022 - National Spiritual Assembly Message for the Feast of Rahmat ‘22
June 19, 2022 - Supreme Body Assigns US NSA International Pioneering Goals
May 24, 2022 - Supreme Body to Bahá’ís of the World re Pioneering in Nine Year Plan
December 30, 2021 - Supreme Body to Conference of Counselors Introducing Nine Year Plan
International and Homefront Pioneering

Educational Mentors
Whether you’re looking to gain insight or are interested in what we do - supplement your knowledge with our Educational Mentors. We love having the opportunity to provide members of the Largo community with a variety of resources, as it is a valuable way for our youth and adults to learn and grow into bright individuals.
Contact us