Sunday, December 17, 2023

We want to joyously welcome you to the new Largo Baha'i Blog! As we warm up to the new year of 2024 we want to thank you for visiting our website that's goal is to provide resources for the betterment of the Largo community. Leading by example and not by title, and embracing all with love and kindness.
We give insights from our work on the ground by raising up protagonists, some are children and some are youth and some are adults to give encouragement.
in the 1950s and 40s the pioneers who believed in Oneness and the message of Bahaullah to new countries. A man askad about the Baha'i Faith and was part of a movement looking for justice of his people. He invited a few pioneers to this home and the pioneers went to the communities and shared the teachings of Bahaullah and taught a protagonist that was able to translate the message to their tribe and thats when it bloomed. The ancient walkers dedicated their lives to spread the message to small villages. The Baha'i community grew and grew and reached 60,000 lives in Bolivia, this translator made waves. Let us see ourselves in this light. Lets look for more protagonists in this Nine Year Plan. We are the ones building this community. Through divisity and diversity of community. As each community will create their own means to welcome new friends and begin to take on the cultural characteristics of their diverse community.